
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Adventures in Portland, part one

The wife and I took an impromptu mini vacation and went down to Portland, Oregon for a few days. We saw some friends, walked in the sunshine, and drank Oly on the porch while enjoying books we had bought at at Powell's (city of books). We also ate at quite a few places. One of the treats we enjoyed was a pineapple basil sorbet at Ruby Jewels. Refreshing and subtly earthy, it was a perfect sweet treat to accompany a walk down Mississippi and a browse through Land (where we bought a few Nikki McClure posters and I got this sweet shirt). It was fun to get out of town for a few days, but I'm glad to be home.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New Quilt

Just finished up this little quilt and popped it in the mail. I hope my friend Andrew receives it soon, and his kid is still in that cute baby stage in which they roll around on quilts and the like (I am notoriously bad at finishing projects in a timely manner). This quilt marks the 4th I have completed, and I am stoked about how this one turned out. It may be a little hippie-ish for Andrew, but I wanted to give his kid something to balance all the butt-rock I know he will be subject to as he grows up. At any rate, many belated congrats to my old friend Andrew, and I was so happy to have another excuse to make another quilt.

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Monday, May 9, 2011

An Open Letter to My Blog

Dear Blog,

I am sorry I have been neglectful. I promise I have a few posts coming soon, mostly in the crafty side of things, but nonetheless...

You see, I have been consumed as of late with quite a major undertaking. I am acting quite manic, to tell you the truth, and haven't been cooking or crafting very much, or basically doing anything outside of looking at thousands of negatives, slides, and photographic prints from the last 100 years that have come into my life.

I apologize, and promise I will return in a cooking frenzy in a few weeks, once the initial steps of the project have been laid to rest.

Thank you for understanding,


P.S. It's true, I am slightly cheating on you, but I promise it's for a good reason.